// Lists
val list: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
We create an immutable list of integers. Lists are generic. Here the list is of type List<Int>
. It is a Kotlin collection, and has many higher order functions to support functional style collection processing.
We can create anonymous functions. The full syntax is:
{ x:<type>, y:<type> ->
Here we are relying on the type signature of the parameters to infer the type signature of the symbol inc
We can also use the type signature of the symbol to infer the type signature(s) of the parameters of the anonymous function.
The idiomatic syntactic sugar that Kotlin provides is that when there is only one parameter, and that its type can be inferred, it can be represented by the keyword it
. we don’t need parameter declaration.
List<T>.map: (T->S)->List<S>
Therefore, list.map(f)
will apply f
to each element in the list.
// Syntactic sugar:
// if we embed the anonymous function declaration
// we do not need parenthesis
list.map {
x -> x * 2
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
The syntax of anonymous function allows easy composition of with higher order functions.
Using the it
keyword, composing anonymous code block with higher order functions is even easier.
["CLIENTNUM","Attrition_Flag","Customer_Age","Gender","Dependent_count","Education_Level","Marital_Status","Income_Category","Card_Category","Months_on_book","Total_Relationship_Count","Months_Inactive_12_mon","Contacts_Count_12_mon","Credit_Limit","Total_Revolving_Bal","Avg_Open_To_Buy","Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1","Total_Trans_Amt","Total_Trans_Ct","Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1","Avg_Utilization_Ratio","Naive_Bayes_Classifier_Attrition_Flag_Card_Category_Contacts_Count_12_mon_Dependent_count_Education_Level_Months_Inactive_12_mon_1","Naive_Bayes_Classifier_Attrition_Flag_Card_Category_Contacts_Count_12_mon_Dependent_count_Education_Level_Months_Inactive_12_mon_2", 768805383,"Existing Customer",45,"M",3,"High School","Married","$60K - $80K","Blue",39,5,1,3,12691,777,11914,1.335,1144,42,1.625,0.061,9.3448e-05,0.99991, 818770008,"Existing Customer",49,"F",5,"Graduate","Single","Less than $40K","Blue",44,6,1,2,8256,864,7392,1.541,1291,33,3.714,0.105,5.6861e-05,0.99994]
713982108,"Existing Customer",51,"M",3,"Graduate","Married","$80K - $120K","Blue",36,4,1,0,3418,0,3418,2.594,1887,20,2.333,0,2.1081e-05,0.99998
// Figuring out the offsets
class CSVColumnPositions(var age:Int, var gender:Int, var limit: Int) {
constructor(header:String): this(-1, -1, -1) {
val columns = header.split(',').map {
this.age = columns.indexOf("Customer_Age")
this.gender = columns.indexOf("Gender")
this.limit = columns.indexOf("Credit_Limit")
override fun toString():String
= "age@${age}, gender@${gender}, limit@${limit}"
// Now we can parse each line into customer records
fun String.toCustomer(pos: CSVColumnPositions): Customer {
val parts = this.split(",").map {
x -> x.removeSurrounding("\"")
val age = parts[pos.age].toInt()
val gender = parts[pos.gender].toGender()
val limit = parts[pos.limit].toFloat()
return Customer(age, gender, limit)
val positions = CSVColumnPositions(lines[0])
lines.drop(1).map {
.forEachIndexed { index, customer ->
println("$index: $customer")
0: Customer(age=45, gender=MALE, limit=12691.0)
1: Customer(age=49, gender=FEMALE, limit=8256.0)
2: Customer(age=51, gender=MALE, limit=3418.0)
3: Customer(age=40, gender=FEMALE, limit=3313.0)
4: Customer(age=40, gender=MALE, limit=4716.0)
lines.drop(1).map {
.groupBy { it.gender }
.map { entry ->
val (gender, customers) = entry
"$gender, ${customers.size}"
[MALE, 4769, FEMALE, 5358]
data class Stats(
val count:Int = 0,
val limit:Float = 0f,
val mean:Float = 0f
) {
operator fun plus(customer:Customer):Stats =
limit + customer.limit,
(limit+customer.limit) / (count+1)
companion object {
fun empty():Stats = Stats(0, 0f, 0f)
lines.drop(1).map {
.groupBy { it.gender }
.map { entry ->
val (gender, customers) = entry
{ state, customer -> state + customer }
).let {
object {
val gender = gender
val count = it.count
val limit = it.limit.roundToLong()
val mean = it.mean.roundToLong()
override fun toString():String
= "(${gender}: count=${count}, limit=${limit}, mean=$mean)"
}.forEach {
(MALE: count=4769, limit=60498088, mean=12686)
(FEMALE: count=5358, limit=26917708, mean=5024)